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The Making of This Site


Original site was developed on a Macintosh — more specifically, an aging but serviceable Beige G3 Desktop with 512MB of RAM, running Mac OS 8.6. (By 2003 was up to a Mirror Dual-Door G4 Dual Boot, running 9.2.2 and OSX 10.3.1.) Data stored and archived over four hard disks of various capacities, as well as ZIP 100 disks and an out-of-control collection of assorted home-burned CD-R discs.

Software Used Back in 1998-2002:

  • Adobe Acrobat, Illustrator and Photoshop
  • BareBones Software's indispensable BBEdit, a text editor with the power of GREP and known as "Software That Doesn't Suck."
  • Crea:Text, Marius Soutier's excellent freeware HTML/CSS/MetaTagging product, no longer extant.
  • Macromedia DreamWeaver. Bought later by Adobe.
  • Interarchy for FTP
    — and those increasingly bloated browsers we all love to crash: —
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer (tested on version 5.0 Mac and 5.5 Windows)
  • Netscape Navigator (Mac version 4.77, Windows 4.75) and
  • Mozilla (the development project's moniker for what, at various intervals, has become Netscape 6 and then 7; Netscape's 6.0 was released when Mozilla was only at release level 0.6; Netscape 6.1 coincides roughly with Mozilla 0.9; I tested on 0.94). I believe Netscape 7 was based on Mozilla 1.0.1, if you're at all interested.

Site Update: New and revised site pages are now built/edited using a PC purchased in 2014 — more specifically, a CyberPower PC with 8GB of RAM, running Windows 10 Home. Two other system partitions on the same PC run 64-bit versions Windows 7 Professional. Data stored on yet another partition.

Software Used Circa 2017 and into 2018:

  • Adobe ... mostly Photoshop and, even then, I find myself using the always-improving freeware product from Irfan Skiljan's wonderful IrfanView, a freeware Windows offering that suffices for most of the image-processing work that I now do. Small, quick and fast. It even supports several Photoshop plug-ins. Also, to be able to best-optimize an image for the web, I installed RIOT, the radical image optimization tool, which offers a plug-in version for IrfanView.
  • Adobe DreamWeaver, originally a Macromedia product.
  • Coffee Cups's HTML Editor. It even offers a split-screen browser-like view of the page you are working on, updating your changes even before you Control-S your page!
  • WinSCP does the same for FTP, SFTP, SSH (and even more) on Windows.

  • — and to test web pages, current-generation browsers offer more and generally crash less than their forebears: —
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer and, for Windows 10, Microsoft Edge, a de-ActiVexed version of same.
  • Google Chrome. Usually finishes first or second in speed and generally the most-secure (but not necessarily most private) among the current browsers. A whole schlew of derivatives also get regularly updated, using Google's open-source Chromium browser code.
  • Mozilla Firefox, the open-source browser, originally created by a 17-year-old geek is, on most days, my default browser. My only real issue with Mozilla is what they did to its one-time CEO, Brendan Eich. So much for freedom of speech. At least he's now off doing a new Mac browser, Brave.

Need to print? Many pages on this site have links represented by a ***** popup-window link, which will render a printer-friendly version of selected site pages.

Otherwise, you'll generally obtain more successful and consistent results printing from the Chrome browser and most of its Chromium derivatives. (You can't print at all from WamCom, because it no longer exists. Was my browser of choice back in 2003, tweaked by a former Mozilla worker, more stable and offered tabbed browsing within a single window ... now a standard convention among nearly all browsers.) A revived derivative of WamCom is Classilla, possibly the most-secure browser still available for MacOS 9.