National Carcinoid Support Group Is No Longer. Perhaps the first of all carcinoid support and information organizations ceased operations at the end of June 2002. The announcment cited several reasons for the dissolutions, including:
This CarciNews page continues in the aftermath of the NCSG's demise; however, it is an independent, information-only posting of resource data done gratis as a standalone effort by this domain's Webmaster
All reference links below open in a new browser
window. The benefit of this is that it keeps this window open at all
times in the background. When you are done viewing a new-window link, simply
close it and this window will return to the foreground. This listing is not
meant to be all-inclusive (although, over time may approach that level), nor
is it meant to necessarily list the best information available).
Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, Inc. is a nonprofit organization chartered
by the State of New York in 1968 for the purpose of encouraging and supporting
research and education on carcinoid tumors and related neuro-endocrine neoplasms.
of Cancer Online Resources, Inc. (ACOR) is a 501 (c)
(3) charitable organization, incorporated in New York State. In addition to
supporting the mailing lists, ACOR develops state-of-the-art Internet-based
knowledge systems that allow the public to find and use credible information
relevant to their illness. MORE
Fact Sheet. A carcinoid tumour, sometimes referred
to as simply carcinoid, is a tumour of the network of glands that produce
and secrete hormones into the bloodstream (the neuroendocrine system). Most
carcinoid tumours are found in the appendix or the small intestine. Less commonly
they may arise in the lung or the pancreas. Rarely they may arise in other
parts of the body. Carcinoid tumours often grow slowly and it may be several
years before any symptoms appear and the tumour is diagnosed. MORE
Info. The information contained within this web site
is appropriate for U.S. residents only, general public and professional, brought
to you by Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation. MORE
Carcinoid Tumor. Many carcinoid tumors behave like
benign tumors and can be treated and often cured, especially in early stages.
The occurrence of metastasis from carcinoid tumor relates directly to the
size of the primary tumor. They are classified as neuroendocrine or amine
precursor uptake and decarboxylation tumors. Rarely, they may be a part of
the multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 1. These usually slow-growing
tumors may arise from various sites, although the appendix, small bowel, and
rectum account for over 90% of surgical cases occurring in the gastrointestinal
tract. Small bowel carcinoids may occur in multiple sites in the same patient.
Manual on Carcinoid. Carcinoid tumors arise from neuroendocrine
cells, particularly in the GI tract (90%), pancreas, and pulmonary bronchi.
The most common GI sites are the stomach, ileum, and appendix, where they
may cause pain, luminal bleeding, and obstruction. This site manual is searchable.
Moffitt Cancer Center. From a publication by John F.
Sweeney, M.D., and Alexander S. Rosemurgy, M.D. titled, Carcinoid
Tumors of the Gut. Carcinoid tumors are the most frequently encountered
endocrine tumors of the gastrointestinal tract. They are most often found
in the appendix, although they can arise in any location of the gut. Carcinoid
tumors may secrete a variety of bioactive substances, which can cause the
complex of symptoms associated with the carcinoid syndrome. MORE
Carcinoid Patients Association. We offer some fifteen
medical articles written by various doctors and specialists on neuroendocrine
tumors. You can also apply for membership, send us your questions or make
other contacts.
InfoSource. If you or someone close to you has been
told they have carcinoid syndrome, you may be looking for the facts concerning
this chronic condition. Information may be hard to find since carcinoid syndrome
is rare -- about 3 people in every million who have a carcinoid tumor will
also develop carcinoid syndrome.
Cancer Center - Dr. Venook. Biosketch of Alan Venook, M.D., one of a growing
number of carcinoid specialists, and a rare opportunity to find a profile
online of such a specialist.
University (Sweden) Department of Medical Sciences, Section of Endocrine Oncology.
Professor Kjell Öberg , Chairman
Department of Medical Sciences, Vice Chairman Division of Internal Medicine,
President of ENET (The European Neuroendocrine Network). (NOTE: Dr. Öberg is also one of the earliest researchers in the world on carcinoid cancer.) The section of Endocrine Oncology, Uppsala
University Hospital, is the national referal center for patients with neuroendocrine
tumors. At the section of Endocrine Oncology basic scientific research is
combined with improvement of diagnostic procedures and medical treatment of
neuroendocrine tumors. To the specialized ward with 15 beds patients are referred
from all over Sweden as well as from the Nordic countries, Europe, the Middle
East, South America and USA for diagnosis and treatment. At the ward a team
of doctors and nurses with extended experience of endocrine tumors work together
to optimize diagnostic procedures and medical treatment. Therapeutic decisions
are made together with the patient and based on clinical and laboratory findings.
We are collaborating with the section of Endocrine Surgery as well as the
Department of Nuclear Medicine to offer the patient a complete approach to
Anderson's Carcinoid Page: Carcinoid - Cancer Support - Carcinoid Seminars
- Books - Government Issues - Prayer Lists - Carcinoid is a rare form of "slow-growing"
cancer. I was diagnosed with Carcinoid Cancer May 10, 1995. Anderson was diagnosed
with Infiltrating Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) Breast Cancer on June 18, 1999. There
is NO connection to Carcinoid, this is completely different! PLEASE take time
to read "My Carcinoid Story", and scroll down through this whole page to get
a good overview of the material that is here and linked from here the
result of almost six years of personal research and work, which shall continue.
to own domain recently...
Al & Lois Website. Al's main page, written in everyday language with
mainstream medical input. Their purpose in creating these Carcinoid Cancer
pages is twofold. The first is to keep their many members of my family and
friends up-to-date on Al's battle with this disease. The second is to provide
a resource for the non-medical person who has the disease, suspects that he
may have the disease or knows someone who has the disease. It is their hope
that someone who does not know he/she has the disease may recognize early
symptoms and insist that his/her doctor run a simple test or two to diagnose
the disease. If caught early enough it can be completely cured. MORE
New York Carcinoid Support Group. (Text from the NYCS
Home Page Intro:) Carcinoid cancer has been considered a rare cancer for many
years. Today more and more people are asking "Is it as rare as we thought
or rather is it remaining undiagnosed or misdiagnosed?" Carcinoid tumors are
the most common of the neuroendocrine family of tumors. These tumors are unique
among other cancerous tumors. In addition to the tumor itself, neuroendocrine
tumors secrete hormones into the body which can cause damage to other organs
of the body.
to Carcinoid Support Groups Throughout U.S., Canada and Sweden. Includes
links to groups in Arizona, California, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota,
New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, D.C., Lower Ontario (Canada) and Sweden.
to My Carcinoid Site. Hi and welcome to my Neuroendocrine Carcinoid Cancer
website. Here you will find both my experience with carcinoid and information
relevant to fighting Neuroendocrine Carcinoid Cancer (NECC). This is a new
website reflecting my current interests and skips many important topics; links
to much more highly developed organizational and personal pages are provided
to fill in the gaps. Also, home of Southern
California Carcinoid Fighters. MORE
Last Updated 12 May 2007 - © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004,2006, 2007, CarciNews Go to ExalterNet's Home Page