
Bundle: The New Cecilia B. de Bundle?

Gordo D. Enchilada, Esq. — Dec 31 2006 22:37

With ambitions set for now to be a cosmetic dentist, our bundle also has tried her hand at being a Photoshop artiste, an amateur video editor and, with her part-time job in tow, also as a cosmetic consultant to the unbridled masses.

While some Bundles aren't silly, mine is the silliest of gooses.

SweetQakes MacGrew has recently ventured into stylizing photos in Photoshop and undertaking the editing of her own holiday-baking video.

So here is our precious Bundle, a 3.8 GPA in high school. Such a smart bundle. She hopes to cosmetically apply her yearning for fashionable dentistry skills at an appropriate Midwestern college.

MacBundle acknowledges that there are risks with his dentistry service. "In terms of dental caries, I make sure each person caries dental insurance with us when they log in with their decayed dentrifices," she says. "So if anyone does anything mischievous, we know who it is."

The more holistic approach is to pull Adoo’s toophies when they get wobbly, which is what Bundle Qakes is wont to do. She is, in fact, quite facile at this pursuit, which the founding fathers often referred to as "purfuit."

Obviously, the convenience of working of pulling teeth that reside in your brother’s mouth is an easy and fruitful temptation. He doesn’t seem to mind it too much as yet, perhaps because he hasn't experienced the phenomenon on a regular basis. But those days likely are just down the road a bit.

"I think that [awareness of MacBoogsian toophies] has improved a little bit. I think people are taking on basic dental features," SweetQakes stated quite amicably.

Video Talent and Applied Skills. SweetQakes MacGrew recently showed her flair and penchant for being another Cecile B. deBundle, with her first-time crack at movie making.

Litho BundleMacGrew, 16, was videotaped by her father doing 22 minutes of culinary demonstrations a la Martha Stewart. The demonstration, however, ultimately needed to be trimmed down to six minutes for a class assignment.

MacGrew never used Apple’s iMovie® prior to this evening. But given the enormity of the deadline and need to deliver a six-minute finished product, she went to it.

Shortly before midnight on that same evening, Cecile B. deBundle tackled iMovie, with just a surfeit of tips from her Papa. Edited successfully down to the required six minutes, the transitions and cuts were mostly clean and natural, and she would be on to the final chapter-marking and converting to MPEG2 in iDVD®.

MacGrew did this with aplomb (not a plum, but aplomb), and even pasted in related cooking imagery in front panel picture frames to complete the task. Her finished DVD was burned and ready for delivery to an unsuspecting teacher.

"This was more fun than I expected," she said. "I guess I am a smart Bundle after all."

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