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Odd Even Here: Glad to Be
. . . Even the Odd Four

> Inside Pages > JM’s Beloved Beauties, Unique Ones All


Life at the Farm (And Free to Be Odd)

Established 1984. Priceless additions moved onboard in 1990 and 1999. God knows best and I cherish the formula He conconcted for JMODHA.

Phomster Boy

What’s Up With Androomeda. Aren’t you glad I finally updated the Apert subsite? Even if my latest installment is about Andrew’s February 2004 surgery? He’s only been subjected to minor, one-day surgical tweaks since then. And we’re (especially Andrew MacBoogie) thankful to have the extended hiatus from such hospital stays. But they’ve done him a world of good; Drs. Mount, Iskandar and Bentz are among the best there are.

Sparta in Space

Lost in Space?
Here’s the family, posing near a model space ship at the Deke Slayton Space Museum and Bicycle Shop in Sparta. It’s a second-floor museum devoted to their home-town boy made good. Paid a visit during June 2006. Not your average vacation destination, but it makes sense to get acquainted with your native state, particularly when gas is at three bucks a gallon. Kiddees posing with mommy, whom I know as "Beebs" or "Linky Pie."

BQ MacGrew

One and only, full of baloney? Our beautiful bundle, seen here taking a photo of herself, apparently in a very "reflective" mood.
    Still utterly and absolutely "TMPOB" and always will be. Wants to be an orthodontist, and pulls a 3.8 GPA to boot. Need to pull that before you can entertain pulling teeth. Seriously. Mental before dental, as I always say.


What’s Wrong With This Picture?
I’ve seen many a cut-out board in my time, but the maker of this one didn’t quite understand the concept. Why should a head pose in the middle of an ice-cream cone? In fact, neither of these two side-by-sides quite works. Were the holes cut out as an afterthought, perhaps? See for yourself, another Monroe County mystery. Or does it’s creator know about this, but thought it too late to scrap the board and start all over?
    Good for a laugh or two, and obviously a snapshot for posterity.
    Let me know if you come across a cut-out board (what do you really call these things?) that strikes you as an even less-inspiring execution.


Can I Trade My Sunfire in for This Beast? Qwisteena Mawhee poses rather self-consciously next to this Humvee, the likely army inspiration for what eventually became a commercial vehicle known as the Hummer. But I don’t think you can get either the H2 or H3 in a camouflage finish.