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Playful Pokes at the PC (i.e., Its Primary OS)

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Just 'cuz bugs outnumber humans, does that make them better?

Windows ... of Opportunity?


This page dates back to circa 2001-2002, before I became immersed in the Windows world. More so then than now, it was commonplace for Mac users to bash Windows, and vice versa. However, I support both platforms and, until about 2012, did a majority of my creative work on the Mac.
   That said, the Mac is nowhere near perfect: until OSX arrived in 2001, memory management and protection was wholly inadequate, for its cooperative multitasking paled in the face
of the pre-emptive offerings of many other platforms. Still, it has long offered a superior user interface, including beneath the surface, making it a more fluid work environment.
   Despite the overwhelming market penetration of the Windows® platform, nothing about Microsoft's operating system excelled, except for the overwhelming advantage in vertical-market applications and utility software.
   I did not like using the OS until Windows 2000 came out and, even then, didn't adopt it for
doing the majority of my work until the arrival in 2009 of Windows 7. Now, perhaps to some's surprise, it has become my primary work environment, perhaps because the vast majority of my clients use Windows. And the amount of readily available utility software and related system tools is impressive, with much of it even freeware, donationware or open-source.
   But I have also become comfortable with it, given that Windows 7 was (and continues to be) a solid release and Windows 10 holds continuing promise (although I am not convinced that the semi-annual 5+GB overhaul upgrades are the best way for Microsoft to go).

So let the jokes from that early era begin, I guess. I now do a majority of my work in Windows 7® and Windows 10® and, regardless, Bill Gates (and Satya Nadella) is/are none the worse for wear.

The software box said I needed "Windows95© or better" — so I bought a Mac.

"Intel© Inside": The world's most widely used warning label.

To see tomorrow's PC, look at today's Macintosh.BYTE Magazine

"Never ask a man what sort of computer he drives. If it's a Mac, he'll tell you. If not, why embarrass him?" — ... Tom Clancy

OS Wars Animation DOS-based computers, manufactured by companies such as IBM, Compaq, Tandy, and millions of others are by far the most popular, with about 70 million machines in use worldwide. Macintosh fans, on the other hand, may note that cockroaches are far more numerous than humans, and that numbers alone do not denote a higher life form. — New York Times, November 26, 1991

I don't do .INI, .BAT, .DLL or .SYS files. I don't assign apps to files. I don't configure peripherals or networks before using them. I have a computer to do all that. I have a Macintosh ... not a hobby. — Fritz Anderson

"Usually Mac users are able to solve most of their problems without any "help from us." — BellSouth ISP Tech Support

Windows Logo
"I'm running Windows98©."
Tech Support: "Yes."
Customer: "My computer isn't working now."
Tech Support: "Yes, you said that."


Windows98© — 32-bit extensions and graphical shell for a 16-bit patch to an 8-bit operating system originally coded for a 4-bit microprocessor, written by a two-bit company that can't stand one bit of competition.

Mac users often swear by their Macs, whereas PC users often swear at their PCs. ... List server provided by Lyris

An anecdote from the 8/4/98 QuadList serve:
"I just started a new job, Monday morning I go in and fire up my lovely new Wintel Box, it makes a few noises and then tells me "Unable to find Keyboard. Please press the F1 key or DELETE." Now, it just told me my keyboard was not there and yet I am now supposed to press a key to continue? Never a Windows box at my house, never."
Designation at a PC help site: Diagnosis "PEBKAC" — "Problem Exists Between Keyboard And Chair."
Other Links [from circa 2001, so some may be inoperative until I revise or remove them]: