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Download Page
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Intro to Downloads: Words of Preface and Precaution, if you will. The files you can download from this page will either be pure text or PDF files or may also be encoded for safer downloading. The latter involves either a Stuffit-compressed (.sit) file that may also be wrapped in binary hexadecimal (BinHex, also known by the extension .hqx). These extensions are decompressed and decoded with Aladdin Software's free Stuffit Expander. Available for easy download for Mac or Windows.

Given that few people outside of the design community have either of these applications, Adobe Acrobat, through its PDF format, provides a way to replicate the look and feel of the file without the reader/end-user needing to own the previous programs.

Also, any vector (i.e., line art and live, editable text) images on a PDF page can be enlarged to 1600% and yet retain their resolution, without pixellating, like raster-based art would.

Download ExpenseTracker File - DEMO (now at version 1.12)

BinHex'd version, the safest type, but a little larger file sizeClick on the moving disk icon to the left to download the ExpenseTracker112demo.fp5.sit file (or click on the file name itself). Size: 50k

Otherwise, you will need to specify where you want the file downloaded. Also, if your "Save As..." dialog box provides a field option below the file name for format, save the file as "Source" (NOT "text"). More on this database file is discussed at the ExpenseTracker page. You can also obtain an unlock code by purchasing one for this file for only $19.99 via PayPal®:

Download God's Perspective PDF

PDF File for IngleClick on the PDF icon to the left to download the GainingGod'sPerspective.pdf file (or click on the file name itself). Size: 72k.

Otherwise, you will need to specify where you want the file downloaded. Also, if your "Save As..." dialog box provides a field option below the file name for format, save the file as "Source" (NOT "text").



Need Further Assistance?

  1. Go this helper page; failing that:
  2. Go to the Adobe Web site.




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eXalterNet Communications ...