What's Exalter.Net About, Anyway?
A curious diatribe that describes the purpose, philosophy, mission and values of this curious site. For all who dare, and have the timely inclination to so do.
  Are We All Bozos On This Bus? No, this is not about a widespread craze to emulate a well-known clown, nor is it an exercise in misanthropy. Rather it is the first in a series of articles in our "Thelogy Askew?" investigations, attempting to discern truths about our relationship with God in the face of growing worldwide misunderstanding and, even, indifference.
  Home Sweet Home The page everyone needs at any Web site or equivalent destination they ascribe to: yes, the indispensible home page.
  My Dear Mom:
A Valiant Fighter,
A Loving Mother,
A Victim of Carcinoid
A tribute to my dear mom, who helped surgeons and researchers gain valuable ground, using her as a guinea pig in the quest to find a cure, or at least a decent treatment, for the rare cancer known as carcinoid. But, more than this, it is a tribute to a mother who all-too-well knew the quality of unconditional love.
  OffBeat News from Around the Globe Doesn't every Web site have one of these? No, but it seems more are doing so; after all, next to being innately predisposed to sin, mankind is also notorious for its proclivity to oddness.
  Policies and Privacy Sounds like the title of a new Michael Chrichton novel; but, alas, this is not such enticing reading. But it is obligatory, legal and executed in good faith and conscience for the benefit of all who visit this site. As far as I can tell, at least.
  Is There A Resource In Your Systems? Better known as the RSS Online subsite (by whom, might you ask?), this section is for those people who want to know more about the world of publishing and design — print and Web — and the digital world it requires that you enter.
  Take Care When Headed Down Those Back Roads A scene from a visitor's apocryphal venture into the depths of rural New Zealand in some recent past. Not for the faint of heart or hopelessly gullible.
  On Paper... Did you know that a ream of 20-pound bond paper actually weighs about as much as a ream of 60-pound offset text paper? How do you make sense of paper weights and what do they mean, both of themselves and compared to one another? This page might help you.
  Where Do You Shop For Your Stuff? An updated listing of my major computer-related hardware and software vendors.
  Zen and the Art of Being MacBoogsian This is a special section, perhaps a subsite, devoted to the times and trials, and numerous surgeries, of our little Andrew (aka Androo MacBoogie) — born in 1999 with a very rare, congenital disorder known as Apert Syndrome.