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Only visiting this earth This site explores the collective mind of J. Modha and the assorted Odd Ducks of Hazelnook Acres. Originally designated to be a site for spiritual apologetics, it has yet to become a whole lot of that but, during this vague interim, has evolved into an increasing amount of other technical, personal and evaluative writings (occasionally rantings), at times approaching the zeal that only a Norwegian MacGeek saved by the grace of God through a stubbornly slow, surrendering faith could exude.

You'll also find the RSS OnLine subsite on this domain: A technical and creative sojourn for those who dare, into the services, design philosophies and other technical ramblings of the proprietor of Resource Systems Services, a freelance proprietorship specializing in data, print and web design services for small businesses.

A new, maternal tribute has been posted, about our dear, departed "Bonquée Bear," who passed on in 1994, following a valiant but painful battle with carcinoid, the same rare cancer that recently took down Wendy's founder, Dave Thomas.

A related page on links and news about developments in carcinoid research is at ExalterNet's CarciNews page.

If this is beginning to look like a sitemap page, then go to the official sitemap page for a comparative viewing.

I really must take the time, some time, to write more essential ramblings to augment this vital page of indescribably inscrutable insights and other trivial pursuits that this page cannot do without. (Surely you'll do just fine without it, at least until it is written and then read by you — prompting you to wonder just how you survived so admirably for all these years without such information.)

No more lamentations. Peruse at your pleasure. And feel free to foist feedback upon us as you find food-for-thought and for festering. Be so gently provoked and prodded; enjoy the site.


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