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Why So Many Different Designs:
Shouldn’t a Website Have One Look?

> Inside Pages > Website Rationalization


Why ExalterNet Has Many Looks

First launched in 2000. Kept revising original home page for 5 years. Over time, inside pages took on an uneven assortment of different looks. Why? Isn’t such inconsistency tantamount to bad web design?


New home page for 2006...at last. Aren’t you glad I finally abandoned that seemingly random look my original home page held for too long? Still, you might wonder, why would a web-page designer show such inconsistency on his own site by having a half-dozen (or more) different looks throughout his site? Why should any surfer to the site expect that my reason is to use my own site as a development experiment and insert new looks within from time to time? I don’t need to, in all truth, post my experiments "live," particularly to a site the whole world can find so easily? Is that any way to test design, CSS and JavaScript integration? (I’m supposed to answer in the affirmative here.)


The blogged look? As I experimented with other designs, I began to use this "tall, expandable" design, not only for the blog page (which I have sorely neglected over time), but also for pages such as those that support my "Theology Askew" treatises on God, religion and what Man has done to it over the centuries. Yet this theology page is a bit askew, because it doesn't follow that design parameter.


Inside and Technical Pages. Newer pages in the main ExalterNet body of the site began to increasingly adopt this design. However, the spate of technical questions in the main site might confuse those who expect my technical pages to adopt the gothic design I used for my Resource Systems subsection back in 2001.

adoo pages

Andrew’s Apert Journey adopted this look when first introduced in late 1999 after our precious "Adoo" was born. It hasn't changed since then, save for new-content pages to chronicle his journey through a dozen surgical procedures. But, hey, it's an entirely separate section (subsection) on the Exalter site, so why not give it its own look?


This page has adopted a different look as well. It adopts the design I introduced recently to discuss our family’ expensive experience with a beautiful, old Audi with 192,000 miles on the odo. A very clean look, both for the Audi and the page design itself. Unique in that it employs two (2) cascading style sheets to hold its look together: one for the CSS style designations, the other responsible for key layout and positioning calls. Without it, the vertical navigation panel on the left would fall hopelessly to the bottom of the screen.s